17x11 inkjet prints in black foam board box, 2013. The images of the female body in advertising sexualize women. Because we are constantly bombarded with images of perfection, we forget how abstracted and overlayed those representations are. The bodies we see in ads are thus as unrealistic (if not more) than the ones seen through the small opening of a box. What can be seen here is the exact moment in which aesthetics and our desire to achieve perfection create parallel worlds.
17x11 inkjet prints in black foam board box, 2013. The images of the female body in advertising sexualize women. Because we are constantly bombarded with images of perfection, we forget how abstracted and overlayed those representations are. The bodies we see in ads are thus as unrealistic (if not more) than the ones seen through the small opening of a box. What can be seen here is the exact moment in which aesthetics and our desire to achieve perfection create parallel worlds.
17x11 inkjet prints in black foam board box, 2013. The images of the female body in advertising sexualize women. Because we are constantly bombarded with images of perfection, we forget how abstracted and overlayed those representations are. The bodies we see in ads are thus as unrealistic (if not more) than the ones seen through the small opening of a box. What can be seen here is the exact moment in which aesthetics and our desire to achieve perfection create parallel worlds.
17x11 inkjet prints in black foam board box, 2013. The images of the female body in advertising sexualize women. Because we are constantly bombarded with images of perfection, we forget how abstracted and overlayed those representations are. The bodies we see in ads are thus as unrealistic (if not more) than the ones seen through the small opening of a box. What can be seen here is the exact moment in which aesthetics and our desire to achieve perfection create parallel worlds.